

Turn movement allows the player to turn around. Turning can be configured to be either smooth or snap to limit motion sickness.


The turn movement is implemented as a movement scene that needs to be added to the controller node whose input we are using. This will add a PlayerBody if necessary.

The following shows a player configuration including turning: Turn Movement Setup

The functionality works out of the box but can be further configured: Turn Movement Configuration

The project can also be configured with default turn settings: Turn Movement Project Settings



Property Description
Enabled When ticked the movement function is enabled
Order The order in which this movement is applied when multiple movement functions are used
Turn Mode The type of turning to perform - Default, Snap, or Smooth
Smooth Turn Speed Smooth turn speed in radians per second
Step Turn Delay Maximum step turn repeat rate in seconds
Step Turn Angle Step turn angle in degrees
Input Action OpenXR Vector2 action to trigger turning (usually primary when using the default action map)


This singleton is instanced by the XRTools plugin, and has the following turn settings:

Property Description
Snap Turning Defines the “Default” turn mode (true=snap, false=smooth)

Additional Resources

The following videos show the creation of a basic XR Player with hands and movement including turning: