

Glide movement allows the player to glide when falling by extending their arms in a T-pose.


The glide movement is implemented as a movement scene that needs to be added to the XROrigin3D node. This will add a PlayerBody if necessary.

The following shows a player configuration including gliding: Glide Movement Setup

The functionality works out of the box but can be further configured: Glide Movement Configuration



Property Description
Enabled When ticked the movement function is enabled
Order The order in which this movement is applied when multiple movement functions are used
Glide Detect Distance T-pose controller distance to trigger gliding
Glide Min Fall Speed Minimum player Z/fall speed to trigger gliding
Glide Fall Speed Target Z/fall speed when gliding
Glide Forward Speed Target forward speed when gliding
Horizontal Slew Rate Rate at which gliding player horizontal speed changes to target forward speed
Vertical Slew Rate Rate at which gliding player vertical speed changes to target Z/fall speed
Turn with Roll Turn if the player rolls/banks their arms
Roll Turn Speed Speed for roll/bank turns
Wings Impulse Support flapping arms for flying
Flap Min Speed Minimum arm-down speed to register as a flap
Wings Force Flap force translating arm-speed to lift
Rearm Distance Offset How far the arms have to go back up before a second flap can be performed

Additional Resources

The following videos show the creation of a basic XR Player with movement including gliding: