

Jump movement allows the player to jump by pressing a button on the controller.


The jump movement is implemented as a function scene that needs to be added to the XRController3D whose input we are using. This will add a PlayerBody if necessary.

So if we want to implement the jump movement feature on the left hand controller we need to add the scene to the left hand: Jump Movement Setup

Jump velocity is set on the surface the player is standing on. This is achieved by adding a ground physics node as a child of the physics body and setting the ground physics properties: Jump Physics Configuration

It is also possible to set default ground physics in the PlayerBody node.



Property Description
Enabled When ticked the movement function is enabled
Order The order in which this movement is applied when multiple movement functions are used
Jump Button Action OpenXR Bool action to trigger jumping (usually ax_button when using the default action map)

XRToolsGroundPhysicsSettings (for jump)

Property Description
Flags Enable Jump Velocity to override with the Jump Velocity value
Jump Velocity Velocity to apply to the player body when jumping

Additional Resources

The following videos show the creation of a basic XR Player with hands and movement including jumping: