

Poke nodes are attached to finger-tips and allow the player to interact with UI elements as well as providing basic physics for pushing objects.


The poke nodes must be attached to finger-tip bones of hands using BoneAttachment3D nodes. This is done by:

  • Enabling “Editable Children” on a hands
  • Adding a BoneAttachment3D as a child of the hand Skeleton3D node
  • Picking the Bone Name (often Index_Tip_L or Index_Tip_R)
  • Adding a child /addons/godot-xr-tools/player/poke/poke.tscn

The following shows a poke attached to the index finger of the left hand: Poke Setup

The functionality works out of the box but can be further configured: Poke Configuration



Property Description
Enabled When enabled the poke is functional
Radius Radius in meters of the poke ‘sphere’
Color Color of the poke mesh
Teleport Distance How far the poke will be blocked before teleporting back to the finger-tip
Collision Layer Layer the poke resides on (usually [18] Player Hands)
Collision Mask Layers the poke interacts wit (usually [1-16] and [23] UI Objects)
Push Bodies When enabled the poke will apply pushing force to RigidBody3D objects
Stiffness Force to apply (relative to poke displacement from the finger-tip)
Maximum Force Maximum force to apply (on each physics frame)