

Staging is the process of dynamically switching scenes (sometimes called zones).

Staging Setup

The first item to construct for staging is the stage itself. This is done by creating a new scene inheriting from /addons/godot-xr-tools/staging/staging.tscn.

The following shows a basic staging scene with a standard godot splash image: Staging Setup

The staging script needs to be configured to specify the main scene to load when starting, and also whether to prompt for continue on every scene transition. Staging Configuration

The LoadingScreen node should be configured to specify the splash screen to show in the background while loading data or prompting for continue.

Scene Construction

Staged scenes (or zones) are scenes inheriting from /addons/godot-xr-tools/staging/scene_base.tscn.

This base scene only contains a basic XR Rig for the player; so a common practice is to create a game-specific base-scene with the XR Rig populated with the movement and interaction functionality desired for the player: Game Scene Base Setup

The game scenes/zones are then constructed inheriting from this game-specific scene base bringing in the configured player, so the scenes/zones only need to deal with the content.

Game Scene Setup

Scene switching

Scene switching must be triggered by code such as:

# Find the XRToolsSceneBase ancestor of the current node
var scene_base : XRToolsSceneBase = XRTools.find_xr_ancestor(self, "*", "XRToolsSceneBase")
if not scene_base:

# Request loading the next scene

The Godot-XR-Template project extends staging with game persistence as well as scene-switching helper scripts.

Spawn Point

By default the player will spawn in to the location where the XR Rig is positioned in the scene. The XRToolsSceneBase.load_scene method takes an optional second argument which specifies the player spawn point as:

  • A name of a Node3D (such as a Marker3D)
  • A Vector3
  • A Transform3D
  • An object with a get_spawn_position method returning a name/Vector3/Transform3D