

Grapple movement allows the player to fire a grappling line to an appropriate target, and to swing from the grappling line. This can achieve effects similar to notable and trade-marked superheroes.


The grapple movement is implemented as a function scene that needs to be added to the controller node whose input we are using. This will add a PlayerBody if necessary.

So if we want to implement the grapple movement feature on the right hand controller we need to add the scene to the right hand: Grapple Movement Setup

The functionality works out of the box but can be further configured: Grapple Movement Configuration



Property Description
Enabled When ticked the movement function is enabled
Order The order in which this movement is applied when multiple movement functions are used
Grapple Length Maximum length to allow firing the grapple line
Grapple Collision Mask Physics layers the grapple line collides with
Grapple Enable Mask Physics layers the grapple line can hook on to
Impulse Speed Initial impulse speed along the line when fired
Winch Speed Speed at which the grapple line is winched in (pulling the player)
Rope Width Visible width of the grapple line rope
Friction Friction coefficient against the air while grappling (to slow swinging)
Grapple Button Action OpenXR Bool action to trigger grappling (usually trigger_click when using the default action map)

Additional Resources

The following videos show the creation of a basic XR Player with movement including grappling: