

Crouching allows the user to override the player’s height to a fixed value and ignoring the actual height of the headset in the play-space.


Add the MovementCrouch under the appropriate controllers. This will add a PlayerBody if necessary.

The setup should now look like: Crouch Setup

Next select the MovementCrouch node and configure: Crouch Configuration



Property Description
Order The order in which this movement is processed in case multiple movement functions are active
Crouch Height The height forced on the player when crouching
Crouch Button Action OpenXR Bool action to trigger the crouch (usually by_button when using the default action map)
Crouch Type Crouch control type - either “Hold to Crouch” or “Toggle Crouch”
Enabled When ticked this node will control the players movement

Additional Resources

The following videos show the creation of a basic XR Player with hands and movement including crouching: