
Installing Android build templates

Using a Godot Android plugin requires the use of the Gradle build option in Godot:

  • Open your Godot XR project in Godot

  • Open the Project menu

  • Select Install Android Build templates

Copying the plugin into place

When downloading this asset from Godot's asset library, it should place the required files into the addons directory. If you've downloaded the zip file from the releases page, copy the files in asset/addons manually to addons in your project. You may need to create the addons folder.

If you have built the asset from source, you need to create the addons folder in your project if it doesn't exist already, and then copy the content of the demo/addons folder to addons in your project.

Configuring your export

Back in Godot, open the Project menu, and select Export...:

  • If it doesn't already exist, create an Android export configuration by pressing Add... and

selecting Android - Tick the Use Gradle Build tickbox - Select OpenXR as the XR Mode under the XR Features section - Enable the XR vendor you need to use - Scroll down to the bottom to see additional features for specific platforms.

Note: Do not select multiple vendors in the same export template! You can instead create multiple export templates, one for each vendor.