Obtaining the plugin

There are three methods of obtaining a copy of this plugin.

Installing from the asset library

This is the easiest and prefered way of deploying the plugin. After creating your project in Godot, open the asset library and search for vendors. You can now find the latest releasess of this plugin and Godot will install the plugin for you.

Downloading from the releases page

All releases can be found on the plugins releases page. Once you find the correct release, unfold the Assets section and download the godotopenxrvendorsaddon.zip file.

In Godot you can open the asset library and use the Import... button to properly install the plugin.

Alternatively you can extract the zip file and copy the files into place.


Note that the zip file contains a root folder as as required by the asset library. This root folder should not be recreated in your project. The plugin must be installed into res://addons/godotopenxrvendors!

Building from source

If you wish to use the latest changes, or add your own modifications you need to build the plugin from source. You should clone the repository in a folder outside of your Godot project.

You can clone the repository by running the following command:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/godotvr/godot_openxr_vendors

Follow the instructions in the README.md file to build the plugin.

You can now copy the folder demo\addons\godotopenxrvendors into your project.

Updating the vendors plugin

Godot currently does not have a method of updating the plugin. You need to manually delete the godotopenxrvendors folder and repeat the installation process.